Jon Allan, Director of the Office of the Great Lakes, thanked the Friends for their exemplary work with volunteer water quality monitoring.
Way to go Stream Teams!
The Friends were honored to host Director Allan for the release of the final portion of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality's Water Strategy. The State Water Strategy focuses on monitoring systems, community engagement, and shared governance.
"Water literacy, community engagement, and integrated monitoring systems will help create a vision of healthier ecosystems, improved resource management, and increasing stewardship of Michigan’s globally unique water resources.”
The Water Strategy is a 30-year plan for Michiganders to protect, manage, and enhance Michigan’s water resources for current and future generations. The Strategy identifies key actions for actors at many levels to promote healthy water resources. It is organized around nine goals and outcomes designed to ensure the viability and sustainability of Michigan’s water resources over time, placing Michigan on a path to achieving its water vision in a way the that builds economic capacity while sustaining ecological integrity of this globally-significant resource.
As a member and supporter of the Friends of the Shiawassee River, you know that Michigan is surrounded by 20% of the world's fresh surface water, and with that comes a deep ethical obligation to be good and thoughtful stewards of this global treasure. Ensuring the health of our water resources for generations to come depends on creating a culture of stewardship and pursuing lifelong education about water. Just like every drop of water matters, every effort does too. Thank you for all you do to Care for, Share in and Enjoy our treasured river.
CLICK HERE to read more about the Water Strategy