2022 Friends of the Shiawassee River Cleanup Event
We’re Counting on YOU!
Thanks to your overwhelming response we will once again do our river cleanup event over a week long stretch. We encourage all participants to work in small groups of your own choosing and pick which stretch of the river you’d like to clean. We have a list of locations on the registration form. When we have enough volunteers registered to a location it may be removed from the list.
Here's how to volunteer:
1. Have your family, friends, or a small group commit to a day anytime between July 23 -July 30 and decide on an area of the river you would like to clean. You can also volunteer by yourself if you wish.
2. Click the blue REGISTER button to sign-up. Don't delay, the first 100 volunteers to register will receive a t-shirt!
After you have registered, you will receive more information on what we will provide for you and how to promote your group's hard work.
Help us keep tires out of the river! If you remove tires out of the river there will be no charge to recycle them, you will get more information on this after registering.